Sop imunisasi polio pdf

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15 Jan 2020 MASYARAKAT di Sabah sama ada warga negara atau warga asing perlu memanfaatkan pemberian imunisasi penyakit polio secara percuma  BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA A. Imunisasi


α=5% (confidance 95%), 3 variabel (penatalaksanaan program imunisasi oleh bidan desa, ketersediaan sarana prasarana, kepatuhan Kata Kunci : Imunisasi, Bidan, SOP, Sarana, Efikasi. EFFECT kena peyakit-penyakit seperti polio atau. Jadwal imunisasi anak dimulai dari usia 0 bulan Ketika bayi baru lahir, Hepatitis B-1. Polio-0. BCG. Usia 2 bulan, Hepatitis B-2. Polio-1. DTP-1. Hib-1. PCV-1. 1 Mar 2013 EVALUASI TRAINING MANAJER MID LEVEL UNTUK IMUNISASI. DI KOTA Cakupan Imunisasi (%). BCG. Polio4. Campak. DPTHB3. HB0. 2007. 2010. 2007 ikuti Standard Operational Prosedur (SOP) imunisasi dengan  13 Des 2011 Bulan Imunisasi Anak Sekolah (BIAS) bertujuan untuk memberikan Imunisasi ( PD3I), yaitu tuberculosis, difteri, pertusis, campak, polio,  sikap ibu dengan ketepatan imunisasi polio di posyandu Rw 10 Kampung. Banteng Kota : 33. 26 Okt 2018 Kedua, imunisasi polio suntik atau inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) yang menggunakan poliovirus yang sudah dinonaktifkan, kemudian diberikan 

Polio Disease Plan - Utah Department of Health

Module Poliomyelitis since its beginning: diphtheria, measles, pertussis, polio, tetanus, and tuberculosis. To protect newborns against neonatal tetanus, tetanus tox-oid is administered to the mother either during her pregnancy or prior to pregnancy during the childbearing years. Two more vaccine preventable-diseases will be addressed by the EPI during the 1990s. Chapter 12: Poliomyelitis VPD Surveillance Manual 12 Poliomyelitis : Chapter 12.2 Following the successful implementation of the polio eradication initiative in the Americas that began in 1985, the last case of wild poliovirus-associated disease was detected in Peru in 1991. VI IMI SAM Polio Vaccine

Sop Imunisasi Ipv - Scribd

VPD Surveillance Manual 12 Poliomyelitis : Chapter 12.2 Following the successful implementation of the polio eradication initiative in the Americas that began in 1985, the last case of wild poliovirus-associated disease was detected in Peru in 1991. VI IMI SAM Polio Vaccine polio-free is to maintain high immunity (protection) in the population against polio through vaccination. 2 Polio vaccine Children should usually get 4 doses of polio vaccine, at 2 months, 4 months, 6–18 months, and 4–6 years of age. Most adults do not need polio vaccine because they were already vaccinated against polio as children. Polio Outbreak Simulation Exercise - WHO/Europe Despite the progress made by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, wild poliovirus (WPV) remains endemic in three countries (Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan), and importation-related outbreaks continue to occur in polio-free areas. Until polio is eradicated worldwide, all polio-free regions remain at risk for importation. Kementerian Kesehatan republiK indonesia Dalam program imunisasi, pemberian Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap (IDL) pada bayi, merupakan suatu keharusan. Segera setelah lahir (sebelum berusia tujuh hari), bayi harus diberikan imunisasi hepatitis B 0–7 hari (HB 0) satu dosis. Kemudian, pada usia satu bulan, diberikan satu dosis imunisasi BCG dan imunisasi polio.

Polio (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Polio Vaccination (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Post-Polio Syndrome (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary; Post-Polio Syndrome (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) Also in … BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA A. Imunisasi imunisasi aktif adalah imunisasi polio dan campak. Dalam imunisasi aktif, terdapat beberapa unsur-unsur vaksin, yaitu: 1. Vaksin dapat berupa organisme yang secara keseluruhan dimatikan, eksotoksin yang didetoksifikasi saja, atau endotoksin yang terikat … The test-tube synthesis of a chemical called poliovirus ... The emerging scientific and logistic difficulties of poliovirus eradication, combined with the new reality of rapid de novo synthesis of viruses, force us to ask whether the polio campaign has been rendered a dream. Our resources are perhaps better spent on controlling poliomyelitis rather than eliminating its … About…Poliomyelitis (polio)

Imunisasi Polio: Jadwal, Manfaat, Efek Samping | HonestDocs Feb 22, 2019 · Imunisasi polio begitu penting karena dapat mencegah penyakit polio yang merupakan penyakit infeksi oleh virus yang dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan.Ini merupakan program wajib yang canangkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia, selama bertahun-tahun menjalankan program ini akhirnnya pada tahun 2014 Indonesia dinyatakan bebas polio. POLIOMYELITIS EPIDEMIOLOGY & CURRENT STATUS POLIOMYELITIS EPIDEMIOLOGY & CURRENT STATUS DR ABHINAV SINHA MD, MSc ASSISTANT PROFESSOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE R D GARDI MEDICAL COLLEGE, UJJAIN, MP, INDIA. Only once in human history have we witnessed the total eradication of dreaded disease, and that The Polio … SOP for community mobilizers radio and TV broadcast for ... STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR COMMUNITY MOBILIZERS, RADIO AND TELEVISION BROADCAST FOR POLIO against polio and other vaccine preventable diseases such as measles, hepatitis, etc. They are to mobilize individual, group and community to action such as acceptance of Oral Polio

Sop Imunisasi Polio - Scribd

Aug 26, 2018 · Pengertian Imunisasi, Jenis, Tujuan, Manfaat dan Jadwalnya. Pengertian Imunisasi – Merupakan suatu proses yang di lakukan bertujuan meningkatkan system kekebalan tubuh yakni dengan cara memasukan Vaksin (virus atau bakteri yang sudah di lemahkan, dibubuh atau berbagai bagian dari bakteri atau Virus telah di ubah). Eradicating polio | UNICEF As a spearheading partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), UNICEF helps vaccinate over 400 million children globally against polio every year. Our expertise lies in the supply of safe vaccines, and building trust and motivating parents to vaccinate their children against polio. Communication Handbook for Polio Eradication and Routine EPI Acknowledgements The Communication Handbook for Polio Eradication and Routine EPIis the result of a collabo- rative effort between Polio Partners: UNICEF, WHO, Rotary International, BASICS and the EPI Communication/Social Mobilization Officers from Ministries of Health in Africa. Imunisasi - Manfaat, dosis dan efek samping - Alodokter Polio. Polio merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus. Pada kasus yang parah, polio dapat menimbulkan keluhan sesak napas, kelumpuhan, hingga kematian. Imunisasi polio pertama kali diberikan saat anak baru dilahirkan hingga usia 1 bulan. Kemudian, vaksin kembali diberikan tiap bulan, yaitu saat anak berusia 2, 3, dan 4 bulan.